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Coriander (മല്ലി)

Coriander (മല്ലി)

Regular price Rs. 50.00
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Coriander cultivation made easy: from seed to harvest in containers.

Coriander enhances the aromatic profile of curries, yet store-bought leaves may harbor unwanted chemicals. Cultivating coriander at home using hybrid seeds guarantees a safe and healthy supply for your culinary endeavors. This guide ensures a bountiful, pesticide-free harvest, not only elevating the flavor of your dishes but also prioritizing the purity and well-being of your homegrown coriander leaves.

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About the product

Mahaagrin hybrid coriander seeds help with their quick germination, ensuring a faster growth cycle. These seeds are cultivated to resist pest infestations, providing a healthier and more robust crop. Opt for high-quality hybrid coriander seeds for a robust and rapid germination process. Maha Agrin provides excellent hybrid coriander seeds, available online for convenient purchase.


Coriander leaves, rich in antioxidants, support overall health by offering benefits such as blood sugar regulation, anti-inflammatory properties, and digestive health. They provide essential nutrients, contribute to heart health, and may possess anti-microbial properties. Additionally, chewing on coriander leaves can help freshen your breath.


Use Mahaagrin coriander seeds, consider splitting for better germination. Use a tray with potting mix, ensuring sunlight and regular watering. Post-germination, provides sunlight, and regular watering, and protects against pests and diseases for a bountiful harvest.