Radish is a fast-growing, cool-season vegetable known for its crisp texture and peppery flavor.
Radishes are low in calories and high in nutrients, providing essential vitamins like C and minerals like potassium. Their fiber content supports digestive health, and compounds such as anthocyanins contribute to antioxidant properties, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, radishes may aid in weight management, heart health, and immune system support.
Sow radish seeds for a spring crop from early April to early May, and for a fall crop, plant them between August 1 and September 1. Maintain a spacing of about one inch between seeds in the row, and for smaller varieties, plant the seeds shallowly, at a depth of one-fourth to one-half inch. Larger varieties should be planted slightly deeper, up to one inch, to ensure optimal germination and growth.